Friday 26 August 2016

我家 - amenities - Limousine Taxi


Wojia 很高兴能够与一些挂号出租车愿意按表计乘客到达何一个或多个目的地点,并在稍后规定的时间回来他们



In Malaysia, if the taxi does not run by meter, there is a high chance that in the end, the taxi fare would not be fair to the passenger.

Wojia is glad to announce that we have tied up with a few taxis that are willing to bill by meter as per any usual taxi service and bring our clients to any one or several destinations and bring them back again at a later stipulated time.

Expenses is kept to the minimum as there is no surcharge related to this service.

If time permits, our car pool can also be deployed for such a service. But, the current demand is not sufficient to sustain a permanent driver under employment.

Friday 19 August 2016

我家 - facilities - A New Location

这是个新的Wojia: Wojia2(从第一海关检查站(JB Sentral巴士总站)坐到Wojia2需要60分钟。这些公交巴士都非常频密,10分钟的间隔来往。Wojia2公交巴士站是300米处)。 

这些客户可以选择流动和自由: 互联网,食品,衣物,全车和旅行的自由。 

客户并不需要担心基本的食物 / 清洁 / 洗衣服务。客户只需要关心如何享用他们辛苦赚来的退休生活。 

客户从新加坡收入S$2,000-5,000的租金,减去S$699-899费用开支,剩下的租金$1,000-4,000×3是一个真正充足的预算 / 享受相当于高管薪酬规模

This new location (accessible by a frequent direct 1-hour bus from JB Sentral, the wojia bus stop is 300 m away) is to cater for clients that treasure mobility and freedom. These clients may choose in lieu of full nursing needs to having a private full-serviced room (shared or individual, attached toilet), internet, food, laundry, full car pool and freedom to travel. The full trapping of fruitful retirement and unique social activities can be planned. The reason behind this inside is based on a modest wojia home cost of S$699-899 per month, the client does not need to worry about basic food / cleaning / laundry services. The client only need to worry about how to spend their hard-earned retirement. With their basic rental income of S$2,000-5,000 from Singapore, after subtracting this basic wojia home cost of S$699-899, the remaining S$1,000-4,000 x 3 would enable oneself to have a very stately enjoyment in Malaysia.