Friday 22 July 2016

我家 - facilities - Car Pool




At S$99 per calendar month (no pro-rata), our clients, with valid driver's license, may use the car pool facility of the home. For clients comfortable in driving automatic transmission, there is a car available. Similarly for clients comfortable in driving manual transmission, there is also a car available.

Subject to car availability, Clients may use the cars at any time. These cars can travel far and wide to parks, shopping malls and market places.

Mileage is billed at S$0.25 per km. Excess for minor scratches is S$499, while normal damages is S$1,799. For write-off, the client is liable for the extra cost needed to put a similar car back on the road, after claiming insurance (insurance payment is normally not sufficient to put another similar car on the road, affected client would have to foot the difference.)

The above prices are subjected to updates from time to time to reflect operations cost.

This is not a for-profit service but a value-added service to clients. The participating clients should take good care of these cars while using them on the road, observe and obey every road sign.

我家 - amenities - MACS





Some of our clients and their visitors do from time to time come to the home via the bus connection.

If it happens on a busy holiday like May Day or Hari Raya, the wait for visa clearance at the Malaysia Customs could take up to 4 hours. But, with the MACS, it only takes at most 1 minute as there is never a queue.The actual clearance only takes 3 seconds.


Thursday 21 July 2016

我家 - medicine - Senna


Senna glycoside, also known as sennoside or senna, is a medication used to treat constipation and empty the large intestine before surgery. 

The medication is taken by mouth or via the rectum. It typically begins working in minutes when given by rectum and within twelve hours when given by mouth. It is a weaker laxative than bisacodyl or castor oil.

Common side effects of senna glycoside include abdominal cramps. It is not recommended for long term use as it may result in poor bowel function or electrolyte problems. While no harms have been found for use while breastfeeding, such use is not typically recommended. It is not typically recommended in children. May change urine to a somewhat reddish color. 

Senna derivatives are a type of stimulant laxative and are of the anthraquinone type. While its mechanism of action is not entirely clear, senna is thought to act by increasing fluid secretion within and contraction of the large intestine. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system. It is available as a generic medication and is relatively cheap. The wholesale cost in the developing world is about 0.01 USD per pill. Sennosides come from the group of plants Senna. In plant form it has been used at least since the 700s CE.

Bowel Movement (BM) is recommended at least once a day. But, anything more frequent than this is not good. Anything more than 3 days before a BM is not wise for the client.

The home normally records all BMs in a file, i.e., date, time, its volume, colour and odour. So either the Registered Nurse (RN) or visiting doctor will recommend a change or stay instruction after reviewing these records. Do be mindful that over using this drug might cause a general reduction in the client's bowel function.

General roughage such as vegetable and fresh fruits must form part of the client's daily diet. 

Friday 8 July 2016

我家 - food - Protein Powder


有一个重要的提醒: 一个人并不需要那么多的蛋白质。过度饮食蛋白粉可苦了你的肾和肝脏。 





Protein Powder

If you go to a gym, you’ve probably heard the guys by the weight machines talking about the protein shakes they drink after a workout and what kind of shake they prefer. Protein powders -- made into a shake or consumed however you like -- are getting more and more popular as a nutritional supplement. 

Protein powders come in various forms. The three common ones are whey, soy, and casein protein. Whey is the most commonly used, because it’s a water-soluble milk protein. It’s also a complete protein, so it’s got all those advantages. (Complete proteins contain all nine of the amino acids necessary for human dietary needs.)

In very specific circumstances, protein powders can be useful. They’re an easy and convenient source of complete, high-quality protein. But remember: Most people, even athletes, can also get everything they offer by eating sources of lean protein like meat, fish, chicken, and dairy products. 

So when might you want to use them?  
  • When you’re growing. A teenager needs more protein to fuel his workouts because his body is still growing and uses more protein in general.
  • When you’re starting a program. If working out is new to you and you’re trying to build muscle, you’ll require more protein than you normally would. 
  • When you’re amping up your workouts. If you normally work out for half an hour a few times a week, but now you’ve decide to train for a half-marathon, your body will need more protein. 
  • When you’re recovering from an injury. Athletes with sports injuries frequently need more protein to help them heal. 
  • If you’re going vegan. People who pursue a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle eliminate a number of common protein sources from their diet, including meat, chicken, and fish, and sometimes dairy and eggs as well.
  • For older folks who need protein supplements. 
But there’s a big caveat, it doesn’t take that much protein to achieve those goals. Most people already get about 15% of their daily calories in protein. To build a pound of muscle, the body needs between 10 and 14 additional grams of protein per day. 

That’s not really that much. Some of these powders have 80 grams of protein per serving. You don’t need that. All your body is going to do is break it down for energy. And too much protein can be hard on your kidneys and your liver.

Protein powders are not really necessary if you have access to a normal, healthy diet.

Normal Regime

Not every client has correct and balanced diet on a daily basis, it is not because of the error caused by the incorrect care-giving of the home, it is always caused by each client tending to be very particular and choosy about their food quality and type of food intake on a daily basis. Sometimes, it could also be mistakes of the central kitchen of being too bland or too salty or too sweet or simply cooked not to the individual liking. The management of the home always try to be strict in the food delivery and handled at individual level, but even if the food quality is perfectly delivered for the day, each client may still fall short as the food type might not be their individual favourites. Any short intakes over a longer period will cause dietary imbalance.

Other reasons that might cause dietary imbalance could include the food hardness and lack of suitable substitutes, such as green vegetables or fruits have no true substitutes in any other forms. For example, some clients only eat mangoes all year round. Although this is charged to the client's account, getting a suitable fruit source all year round at reasonable rates is not easy (although surmountable, given enough sourcing). But, this is not healthy, there must be a good mix of fruit types. So for these cases, the doctor always recommend Vitamin C and others as supplements to the clients.

A balanced diet much involves eating food types that are not well-liked by individuals.

It is always good to have the doctor / dietician to recommend a normal regime of protein powder as part of the supplement to the client's food to maintain client's muscle mass. 

Monday 4 July 2016

我家 - facilities - Mosquito Repellent

Wojia这里是一个得天独厚的好天气和巨大的数百万棵树木环境。这样好的大环境下,Wojia只有一个缺陷 - 百万蚊子在附近工作。 

别担心 … 我们已经部署好亦即使用电动驱蚊剂。每个驱蚊剂可有效在10英尺范围驱蚊。因此,通过每一个驱蚊剂的战略性部署,再加上吊扇,这些驱蚊剂确实是有效驱蚊雇工。 



In this part of the world, one is blessed with good weather and great environment with tens of thousands of trees surrounding the current home. With such a great environment, it has only but one flaw - millions of mosquitoes are operative in the vicinity.

We have deployed the use of electric insecticides. These insecticides have an operation range of 10 feet, hence, by having each insecticide strategically arranged within the open space, coupled with ceiling fans, they are indeed effective means of keeping mozzies at bay.

All of our insecticides are registered and are classed as low hazard substances (Class IV) for humans, including children.

As for outdoor activities, we always protect the clients by giving them herbal non-chemical-based sprays.

我家 - facilities - Temperature Control








Temperature control is a process in which change of temperature of a space (and objects collectively there within) is measured or otherwise detected, and the passage of heat energy into or out of the space is adjusted to achieve a desired average temperature.

Temperature control within the ward is a tricky business. Some like it warmer while others like it cooler. There is simply no exact science.

Within the ward, there would be a common air-conditioner unit installed for use on demand. The ward is always made high ceiling with large windows on every wall, so that it is always airy. Each ward bed within limits will have a heavy curtain to separate from each other, basically for privacy as well as for temperature control.

General Guidelines:
  • When the client is docile, the best temperature is 26-27C (achievable by using ceiling fan alone).
  • When the client is active, the best temperature is 22-24C (achievable by using air-con).
  • The above guidelines may be changed pronto by the client him / her-self.

Sunday 3 July 2016

我家 - Registered Nurse


实践的RN的范围是由当地法例规管的护士确定,通常由专业机构或理事会规定。 他可能负责监督照顾其他医务工作者,包括登记护士,有执照的护士,无牌辅助人员,护生,以及经验不足的RN交付。 

每月一次,Wojia雇用一个实践注册护士来访问,审查和监督提供的照顾。在来访时,每个客户可以问任何当前 / 未来的医疗需求,保健服务和管理的问题。  

A registered nurse (RN) is a nurse who has graduated from a nursing program and met the requirements outlined by a country, state, province or similar licensing body in order to obtain a nursing license.

An RN's scope of practice is determined by local legislation governing nurses, and usually regulated by a professional body or council. Registered nurses are employed in a wide variety of professional settings, often specializing in their field of practice. 

They may be responsible for supervising care delivered by other healthcare workers including enrolled nurses, licensed practical nurses, unlicensed assistive personnel, nursing students, and less-experienced RNs.

A registered nurse will visit once a month to review and supervise the care delivered. During the visiting session, each client may ask questions about the care delivery and administration of any current / future medical needs.