Sunday 13 March 2016

我家 - Blood Sugar Profile

日常事务 - 每个月在客户书记录血糖水平和时间(通常的选择是在每个月的第一天)。 

特别例行一路 - 每4小时,在客户书记录血糖水平和时间(或由医生决定) 。 

特别例行二路 - 持续记录血糖水平和时间 (由医生决定) 。 

Normal Routine - Once a month, record blood glucose profile and time in client's book (choice is normally on the first day of every calendar month).

Special Routine I - Every 4 hourly, record blood glucose profile and time in client's book (OR as advised by doctor or registered nurse).

Special Routine II - Continuously as advised by doctor or registered nurse.

我家 - Tube Feeds

日常事务 - 按照医生/营养师指示,记录所有餐点与食物在客户书。  

Normal Routine - As instructed by doctor/dietician, record all meals and feeds with time in client's book.

我家 - Blood Pressure Monitors

日常事务 - 每周一次,在客户书记录血压和时间(通常的选择就是睡觉之前)。 

特别例行一路 - 每天在客户书记录血压和时间(或由医生决定常规)。 

特别例行二路 - 连续记录在客户的仪器血压和时间,并适时地打印记录(或由医生决定常规)。  

Normal Routine - Once a week, record blood pressure and time in client's book (choice is normally just before sleep).

Special Routine I - Every day, record blood pressure and time in client's book (OR as advised by doctor or registered nurse).

Special Routine II - Continuously record blood pressure and time in client's app and print for record (OR as advised by doctor or registered nurse).

我家 - Temperature Monitor

日常事务 - 每天一次,在客户书记录温度和时间(通常的选择就是睡觉之前)。 

特别常规 - 每6小时,在客户书记录温度和时间(或由医生决定常规)。  

Normal Routine - Once a day, record temperature and time in client's book (choice is normally just before sleep).

Special Routine - Every 6 hourly, record temperature and time in client's book (OR as advised by doctor or registered nurse).